Freedom Principle MO - Missouri First PAC Launches Digital TV Ad Campaign

Beyond Life's Threshold

Hidden Choices

Brad Blake, Attorney

The Freedom Principle MO - Missouri First PAC is launching a digital TV ad campaign to educate voters about the EVILS of Amendment 3. The ads are scheduled to run on the following digital platforms:

  • A + E (A&E, Crime/Investigations, Lifetime, FYI, LMN, Biography, History, History (Spanish)

  • Discovery (TLC, HGTV, Food Network, TRVL, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, ID, Discovery Life, Familia, Discovery Family, AHC, Science, Destination America, OWN, DIY, Motor Trend, and Cooking)

  • Viacom CBS (MTV, Paramount Network, VH-1, CMT, TV Land, BET, Logo, Comedy Central)

  • Fox Network (Fox, Fox Sports, Fox Deportes, Fox Business, Fox News Channel, Fox Soccer Plus, FS1, FS2, BTN, and Fox College Sports

Freedom Principle MO - Missouri First PAC Web Ads

Vote NO on Amendment 3 The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative

Vote NO on Amendment 3 The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative

Amendment 3 will allow full-term and partial-birth abortions and is also a threat to women’s health, and parents’ rights and opens the door to child grooming and gender-altering mutilations.

Churches and Christian organizations must be engaged in this effort to defeat Amendment 3

We are calling all churches to actively engage and educate their congregations about Amendment 3 and to do everything they can to make sure their parishioners are registered to vote in November and that they make sure their congregation does vote. 

Amendment 3 is a smokescreen for the implementation of the transgender agenda on Missouri’s children and could threaten parents’ rights

Amendment 3 would repeal the SAFE ACT passed in 2023. According to the Liberty Counsel’s Statement of Leaders Opposing Missouri’s So-Called β€œRight to Reproductive Freedom Initiative” states β€œWhile the text cleverly focuses on pregnancy and abortion, the creation of a broad right to β€œreproductive health care” expanded with the β€œbut not limited to” text enables an interpretation that β€œreproductive health care” includes the right of a person to modify, eliminate or change their reproductive system.

Amendment 3 is not about Reproductive Rights”

The term β€œReproductive Health” has been interpreted over several years to include more than the right to an abortion. Governmental and medical professionals have used it to include β€œgender-affirming” care.

Amendment 3 would repeal the Missouri Save Women’s Sports Act

According to Section 6, β€œThe Government shall not discriminate against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care or assisting another person in doing so.” According to the Liberty Counsel, β€œThis so-called β€œanti-discrimination” provision could be applied to allow biological males β€œobtaining reproductive health care” a legal right to demand access to girls’ and women’s activities and spaces.”

Amendment 3 is a threat to Parents’ Rights

Amendment 3 could give the state the authority to remove children from parents who object to their children receiving β€œgender-affirming” surgeries and/or medical treatment. β€œSince the language does not specifically protect the parent-child relationship, the left will continue to argue that the state must counsel, enable, and facilitate children to surgically, hormonally, or otherwise irreversibly mutilate themselves, against parental consent, under the guise of reproductive health and so-called β€œgender-affirming care.”

The Liberty Counsel also states Section 6 could create β€œA state-sponsored β€œright” that can be used by bureaucrats to mislead and kidnap children to irreversibly mutilate and forcibly sterilize their reproductive systems against parental consent.”

Amendment 3 is an Attack on Unborn Children and Women’s Health

Amendment 3 would allow abortions in all 9 months with no regard to the unborn child

Section 2 would repeal Missouri State Statute 188.026 Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act β€œMissouri Heartbeat Law” and allow full-term and partial-birth abortion up to the moment of birth.

Amendment 3 Section 4 would allow abortions for physical or mental health reasons for all nine months.

Amendment 3 Section 5 would eliminate a woman’s ability to sue for malpractice

Section 5 would eliminate a woman injured during an abortion procedure to seek criminal prosecution/civil penalty of any person who performs/ assists/ provides support to induce/seek/obtain an abortion

Amendment 3 Section 5 would eliminate the requirement that licensed physicians conduct abortions

Missouri health and safety standards for abortion would be eliminated. This would allow unlicensed β€œMedical” professionals to conduct an abortion in an unlicensed medical facility.

Amendment 3 is an Attack on Parental Rights and Taxpayers

Amendment 3 Section 3 would eliminate parental consent of minors from receiving an abortion

Section 3 states, β€œAny denial, interference, delay, or restriction of the right to reproductive freedom shall be presumed invalid.”

Amendment 3 Section 3 would repeal HB 2634 and force taxpayers to fund abortions

HB 2634 was sponsored by Representative Cody Smith and passed in the 2024 legislative session. HB 2634 Section 188.207 states, β€œIt shall be unlawful for any public funds to be expended to any abortion facility, or to any affiliate of such abortion facility.” If Amendment 3 is passed, Missouri legislators will be unable to refuse appropriating funds to abortion providers.

Vote NO on Amendment 3 Social Media Images