Protecting Our Communities - Protecting Our Children
.The Freedom Principle MO believes we have a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in our community, our children. It’s important for parents, grassroots organizations, and churches to understand all legal statutes available when engaging these radical transgender groups who wish to harm our children.
This informational packet was inspired by Senator Rick Brattin (Dist. 31). When radical transgender groups tried to bring one of their all-ages shows to the Warrensburg community, Senator Brattin’s letter to the Warrensburg Police Department informed them of current Missouri Statutes regarding the furnishing of pornographic materials or performance for minors.
Senator Brattin’s letter motivated the Freedom Principle MO to gather these statutes and administrative rules for grassroots and community leaders and parents to use when they learn of one of these shows is planning to come to their community. We also encourage community leaders and parents to investigate their local community ordinances regarding pornographic and performances for minors for further legal resources.
We must realize progressives and their radical transgender partner groups, who are pushing these all-ages drag shows, are purposely pushing pornography to our children to destroy the traditional family structure. The Freedom Principle MO believes this targeting our children must be stopped.
The Freedom Principle MO encourages grassroots organizations, churches, and parents to share this information with the business community and inform them that if they choose to allow these radical groups to perform and open their shows to children, they could face losing their business licenses. Sincerely, Byron Keelin President, Freedom Principle MO