Tyranny of the Majority is a problem that must be considered with the adoption of any new public policy
Freedom Principle MO Legislative Day at the Capital
We will meet in the Capital Rotunda and then visit with Senators or their Legislative Staff to encourage them to pass SJR 74.
If you are interested in joining us, please email the Freedom Principle MO below.
Contact Your State Senator and Tell Them to Pass The House Substitute SJR 74
Attention Missourians: If you don’t want Missouri to become California or Illinois where abortion has become a cottage industry, then we need you to contact your Senator and tell them to pass the House Substitute version of SJR 74 so we can protect our Constitution and protect lives.
The House Substitution version of SJR 74, is just ONE VOTE away from giving voters a chance to protect our constitution just in time for the November election. SJR 74 will require:
The use of Concurrent Majority Ratification. This is a two-step process that gives ALL Missourians an equal voice in approving all Constitutional amendments.
Prohibits non-citizens from voting on ballot initiatives
Prohibits any foreign government or political party from influencing or donating money for a ballot initiative
The special interest groups want to KILL IP REFORM. They want to make sure our Constitution can easily be amended to implement things like abortion on demand, transgender surgeries for children, rank-choice voting, gun-grabbing red flag laws, or implementing $20 minimum wage laws on Missouri’s businesses.
The pro-abortion-on-demand have collected more than 385,000 signatures to get their initiative petition on the November ballot. If they get their IP on the November ballot and we have not passed the House Substitute version of SJR 74, Missouri WILL become a blue state overnight. This means four more years of Joe Biden. This means a Democrat governor and a Democrat legislature. It means that abortion will be embedded into our Constitution with no mechanism to change it.
Missouri will literally become an abortion cottage industry like Illinois or California overnight!
We have less than 10 days left in this legislative session to pass the House Substitute version of SJR 74. Please call Cindy O’Laughlin at 573-751-7985, Caleb Rowden at 573-751-3931, and Mary Elizabeth Coleman at 573-751-1492 and tell them to stand up for our Constitution and to protect life.
Freedom Principle MO Urges Legislature to Immediately Pass Concurrent Majority Ratification Using State Representatives to Protect Missouri’s Constitution
Our state constitution is under attack, and we must do everything we can to protect it from progressive efforts to undermine our freedoms and values. The Freedom Principle MO is urging the Missouri Legislature to pass Concurrent Majority Ratification (CMR) using state representative districts as its first action in the 2024 legislative session.
The refusal by the Missouri Supreme Court to hear Secretary Ashcroft’s appeal on the proposed ballot language by the radical pro-abortion groups means these groups will be conducting a full-court press to get the necessary signatures to put a proposed constitutional amendment to amend Missouri’s constitution to allow abortion on the November 2024 ballot.
The Missouri Legislature will be considering several bills using CMR with Congressional Districts, but this is not sufficient to protect our constitution from outside dark money groups. When you review the election data from Ohio, the abortion amendment passed in 11 of its 15 congressional districts. Six of these 11 districts were Republican congressional districts. Just because Missouri has six of its eight congressional districts represented by Republicans does not mean these districts will vote against the abortion amendment. WE MUST USE STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS IF WE WANT TO KEEP MISSOURI A PRO-LIFE STATE.
Why is Using State House Districts better than Congressional Districts
Using CMR with State House Districts provides better granularity, so they do a better job of establishing a consensus of the People. It is fundamentally the most fair form of ratification.
Getting approval from more than half of the state house districts would require a larger geographic area than getting more than half of the congressional districts. Rural Missouri would be MUCH better represented.
Using state representative districts is strategically better. It would do a better job countering a well-financed opposition.
Using state house districts will isolate, or quarantine, voter fraud in the urban house districts, where it is the greatest problem.
The most important reason for using state house districts is that it stands a better chance of voter approval than congressional districts and, especially simply raising the percentage.