“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
Samuel Adams
The Freedom Principle MO has sent a letter to Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft asking for an investigation into the reports on the Tim Pool Podcast about the exorbitant number of Missouri new voter registration inquiries processed by the Social Security Administration.
The Freedom Principle MO is very concerned about the addition of potentially fraudulent voter registrations. The fact that over 48,400 had no matches to the SSA and 34,000 of the HAVV inquiries found matches to deceased people indicates that fraudulent registrations are being attempted. Given that systemic fraud is clearly being attempted, how can we be assured that matches returned by the HAVV system represent legitimate inquiries rather than fraudulent ones that proved successful? Additionally, we are concerned that many of these potential new voters are not Missouri citizens.
We wonder if these numbers are being inflated by the effort of out-of-state dark money groups collecting signatures for pro-abortion ballot measures. We have also seen news stories about St. Louis City proposing to register homeless people to vote as part of their proposed Homeless Bill of Rights legislation.
Rank Choice Voting is BAD for Missouri.
The Freedom Principle MO is encouraging members and supporters to contact the Senate Local Government and Elections Committee to support HJR 66, Modifying Constitutional Provisions for Voter Eligibility and Voting Procedures. HJR 66 protects the integrity of Missouri elections.
Out-of-state groups, like Article IV and Better Elections MO, are promoting Rank Choice Voting as a change to our current election process and supposedly giving voters more options and will decrease partisan extremism. This type of rhetoric sounds good, but it is a fairy tale. Rank Choice Voting is literally RANK! Rank Choice Voting doesn’t eliminate negative campaigns, but it does disenfranchise voters.
The right to vote is essential to our American democracy. For almost 250 years, Americans have gone to the voting booth to choose one candidate for a specific office. HJR 66 protects the one-person-one-vote standard and will prevent the efforts of dark money-funded groups like Article IV and Better Elections MO from implementing Rank Choice Voting in Missouri
Rank Choice Voting creates ballot exhaustion. Rank Choice Voting takes away a voter’s one-person-one-vote and instead forces them to rank all candidates from favorite to least favorite. If no candidate gets more than 50% of votes based on voters’ first choice, an “instant runoff” takes place. This forces voters to strategize through hypothetical third, fourth, or fifth rounds of elimination rather than focusing on their first choice among top candidates.
Our election process was shaken to its core in 2020 and we saw in November 2022 the disaster that happened in Alaska when they implemented Rank Choice Voting. It took months to determine a winner. We don’t want Rank Choice Voting in Missouri and you can help stop it.
The right to vote and the right to have that vote counted are essential to election integrity. Missouri residents must have confidence in the electoral systems, processes, and results. HJR 66 protects the integrity of our elections, and we urge the Senate to support this important legislation and immediately bring this to the floor for a vote.
Return to Hand Counting Manual
The Hand Counting Process presented in the eManual will show that any polling place in Missouri can complete a count of the ballots cast there on election day. Click on “Learn More” on how your county can return to hand counting ballots.
Missouri Canvassers Election Integrity Report
This report identifies potential weakness in Missouri’s election procedures that can result in our votes being “cancelled” by fraud, “stolen” by bad actors, or otherwise diluted by problems or flaws in our complex systems.
Protecting MIssouri's Election Integrity - What's in HB1878
Freedom Principle MO played an active role in passing new Missouri election integrity legislation. HB 1878 requires Photo ID for voting, bans drop boxes, ballot harvesting, and Zuckerbucks.
Cause of America
Cause for America is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on election integrity. The organization exists to facilitiate grassroots citizen action to monditor elections on local, state, and national levels.
Americans for Citizens Voting
Why is citizen voting important?
Voting is a fundamental right of citizenship, and four amendments to the Constitution (15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th) specifically recognize and protect this right, guaranteeing it to citizens of all races and genders and economic means.
Gableman Report
Office of the Special Counsel
The official report from the Wisconsin Office of Special Council was delivered to the Wisconsin State Assembly on March 1, 2022.