MO First Policies
Putting Missouri First means standing up for policies that protect our American rights and values.
The Freedom Principle MO is standing up for Missourians. We oppose the foreign-based interest of the globalist agenda. We believe this agenda is detrimental to the collective interests of American citizens, and an external threat to our sovereignty.
By putting America’s interest first, we are putting Missouri’s citizens first. By putting Missourian’s rights and freedoms first we are putting You first. Below is how the Freedom Principle MO is putting Missouri First. The following is our list of legislative priorities for the 2024 Missouri legislative session.
Making America, and Missouri energy independent by:
Support a strong domestic energy policy that promotes drilling on U.S. land, fracking for natural gas, and restraining the Keystone XL pipeline
Support the expansion of nuclear energy in Missouri
Oppose using taxpayer dollars for green energy expansion of windmills and solar panels
Oppose using taxpayer funds to provide incentives for EV charging station
Protecting Missourian’s right to vote and have their vote counted by:
Support Missouri eliminating electronic voting machines and using paper ballots only
Oppose allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in local and state elections
Support the state legislature passing a constitutional amendment protecting the one-person-one-vote and prohibiting rank choice voting system at the state or local level
Support expanding term limits to include all municipal elected officials
Support legislature passing Concurrent Majority Ratification using State House Districts
Support the establishment of closed primaries for elections
Support eliminating the Missouri Plan regarding how judges are appointed.
Protecting Missouri children and parents’ rights to quality education including:
Education Reform and School Choice
Support allowing any parent from any public school district whose math and/or reading proficiency scores are less than 50% proficiency to use the state-funded amount paid to that district to be used to transfer to another public, charter, or parochial school of their choice
Prohibit all curricula from all Missouri K-12 schools that promote the following concepts: One race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex; The United States is fundamentally racist or sexist; An individual, by his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously; An individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex.
Repeal SB 380 established the Outstanding Schools Act which expanded the role of DESE in Missouri’s education.
Support a constitutional amendment declaring that every parent has a fundamental right to exercise exclusive control over all aspects of their minor children’s lives without government interference, including, but not limited to, decisions regarding their minor children’s custody, upbringing, education, religious instruction, discipline, physical and mental health care, and place of habitation.
Form a Missouri version of the “1776 Commission” to develop a curriculum based on “A restoration of American education grounded in the principles of our founding that is accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring and ennobling.”
Allow parents to recall school board members via the petition process.
Require school districts to provide parental review and comment on classroom curricula before implementation.
Prohibit school districts, colleges, and universities from hiring CRT consultants.
Prohibit any institutions of higher learning, that receive state funding, from taking any action or enforcing any policy that denies the creation and/or activities of a student association based on religious and/or political beliefs.
Allow any student beginning kindergarten or already enrolled in a public school to attend any public and/or charter school in a nonresident district if there is an opening in their respective grade level.
Gender Issues
Support eliminating the sunset date in the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” and the “Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act”
Support legislation prohibiting “non-binary” as an option for any official state ID type.
Support establishing a law prohibiting any school official at public or charter school from encouraging a student under the age of 18 years old to adopt a gender identity or sexual orientation.
Support legislation amending the definition of “sexually oriented business” to include any nightclub, bar, restaurant, or similar commercial enterprise that provides to an audience a drag performance, meaning a performance in which a performer exhibits a gender different from the biological sex assigned at birth.
Making Missouri communities safer by supporting law enforcement and public safety including:
Crime and Public Safety
Support returning control of the St. Louis City Metropolitan Police Department to the State Board of Commissions
Allowing the Governor and/or Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor for a period of up to five years if the rate of homicides in any circuit or prosecuting attorney’s jurisdiction exceeds a certain percentage of cases or if the circuit attorney or prosecuting attorney refuses to prosecute violent criminals.
Support the state by prohibiting any grants or aid to local governments that slash the budget (more than 5%) for law enforcement.
Support allowing the state to waive sovereign immunity to allow a victim (individual and/or business) of a crime related to a violent or disorderly assembly to sue the local government for damages where the local government is negligent in protecting persons or property.
Support legislation banning municipalities from implementing cashless bail.
Support legislation making the killing of a police officer or first responder a federal crime
Protecting Missourians by standing for individual medical freedom and against all medical tyranny by:
Support state legislature prohibiting school districts from mandating any vaccination or masks for children without parental consent of both parents
Support passing a proposed Constitutional Amendment protecting Missourian’s right to informed consent and prohibiting government entities, elementary, secondary, and institutions of higher learning from implementing vaccine and mask mandates and requiring labeling of all products containing mRNA and/gene-altering therapies.
Support repealing the Certificate of Need for healthcare facilities.
Support prohibiting any healthcare facility from refusing to provide treatment, transplant, or services to an individual based on the COVID-19 vaccination status of the individual.
Support prohibiting any healthcare facility from refusing to provide treatment, transplant, or services to an individual based on the COVID-19 vaccination status of the individual.
Protecting Missouri’s working families by promoting a strong domestic economy by:
Support eliminating the sales taxes on groceries
Support legislation eliminating personal property tax.
Support legislation for the state legislature to eliminate the earnings tax in St. Louis City and Kansas City.
Support a constitutional amendment that would pass a Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) limiting the amount of revenue the State of Missouri can retain and spend. Specifically, TABOR would allow the state to retain and spend an amount based on the prior fiscal year’s actual revenue or limit, whichever was lower, grown by Missouri inflation and population growth, and adjusted for any “voter-approved revenue changes.
Support repealing the gas tax
Support the state in reducing its dependence on federal funds.
Support the establishment of gold and silver as legal tender.
Support legislation prohibiting the sale or ownership of any property by foreign entities.
Support legislation prohibiting the state from participating in the establishment of a central digital banking currency system.
Support legislation prohibiting government agencies, banks, or private investors from using Environmental/Social/ Governance (ESG) scoring as a factor in lending to a project.
Support legislation prohibiting government agencies, banks, or private investors from using racial quotas of corporations and businesses as a factor in lending to a project.
Support legislation prohibiting government agencies, banks, or private investors from basing funding for a project on the project’s “carbon footprint.
Making communities safer by protecting our U.S. borders including:
Support requiring private-sector businesses and NGOs, who facilitate illegal immigration to Missouri, to provide compensation to the state of Missouri to cover all costs that fall on taxpayers.
Support mandating county and local jails, as well as courts, to collect immigration status data at the time of a suspect’s arrest and conviction. The information will be reported to the Missouri Department of Corrections.
Support prohibiting Missouri officials from providing any discretionary benefits to illegal aliens while the state agency and hospitals will be required to annually report taxpayer-funded expenses for illegal aliens.
Requiring the Missouri Department of Revenue as an enforcer of the E-Verify System.
Protecting Missouri citizen’s rights under the Second Amendment by:
Establishing anti-red flag laws that provide that any federal order of protection or other judicial order issued by a court to confiscate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition from any law-abiding citizen shall be considered an infringement on the people’s right to keep and bear arms.
Allowing concealed citizens with conceal carry permits to carry on public transit, such as Metro Link in St. Louis